Tuesday, September 20, 2016

115 Are you investing and learning its related knowledge for your retirement?

Are you investing and learning its related knowledge for your retirement?


There was a car workshop that I used to frequent. The owner was a friend of mine. He is an honest guy. Unfortunately, he got a stroke at beginning of the year. Luckily, his two sons are already working.有一间修车店是我常光顾的。修车店老板是朋友来的。老实的老板。很可惜的,去年年尾吧他不幸中风了。庆幸的是,两个儿子已经可以投入职场了。
I believe this is a great blow to him. And to his family, his unexpected retirement did cause some anxiety in their finance. It seems to me he did not saves enough for retirement. And he was not investing even though he owns some banking shares at some point of time.我相信这对他是很大的打击。而对他的家里人而言,意料不到的被退休却也对他们的财务造成一些紧张。看来他似乎没有为退休储蓄足够的基金。而他也没有任何投资,只是在某一段时间点曾有过几张银行股。
I have long believed investing is the only profession that is not hindered by our age. When age catch up with us, we have to retire from any active job. Or we may be willing to work, but our employer may not be. 我早已确信投资是唯一不会被年龄限制的行业。当我们年华老去,我们总得从职场退出。就算我们愿意,老板也可以嫌弃我们手脚慢工钱高。这是再现实不过的事了。
It's different in investing. As long as we have capital, knowledge and movement ability, age can restrict us to invest. But investing is not a fast process, we can get it done by reading a few books. Especially when we look at our friends and relative, we will realized so many of them will tell us shares are not us. 投资就不同了。只要我们有资金、知识和行动能力,年龄根本不能限制我们。但是投资这一回事却不是能一撮而就,抑或是读了几本书就能成功的。尤其是股票投资。只要回头望望身边的亲戚朋友,总有人认为股票不是小市民的玩意儿。
Then, how can we go about with it? Investing is a long term journey. Compared to knowledge, we need a fine temperament. A temperament that doesn't make us to shake when something happen. Normal investor doesn't like to see their investment value goes south. And to stay composed, we need to go though some training. 那么,投资这一码子事到底该如何做?投资其实是一个长期的学习过程。比起知识,它更着重的是性情。一种犹如泰山崩于前,而不动的性情吧。投资者一般都不喜欢看到自己的投资额往下走的情况。要在如此情况下依然悠然自在,必须经过某些淬炼。
For that, we must be trained in the same field. The first loss is always the most hurtful. As time goes by, as we gained more experience and (unfortunately) more losses, we become numb to price changes. 要有如此境界,不可或缺的就要在投资领域里被训练。通常第一次的割肉是最痛的。随着经验的累积和(不幸的)不断割肉,久而久之就练就对价钱变动感到麻木。
And it is while young that we can endure losses for we have long working years to earn back them. As we approach retirement age, we tends to get more and more conservative.而且只要趁年轻我们才经得起亏损,因为我们有足够的工作年岁来转回亏损的部分。当我们越接近退休时,我们一般上会变得愈发保守。
So, as I see my workshop friend's plight, I somehow think he has not invest and learn enough for his retirement. And I wonder has his two sons ever thought about such thing, now.当我看好修车店朋友的遭遇时,我认为他并没有为退休做足投资或学习投资知识。我也好奇他的儿子们是否曾想过改变?
It is my wish that during retirement age, I want to be active in investing. Unless I am bedridden or I have lost my movement ability, then it's another story.我的梦想是退休时依然可以继续投资。除非我不幸卧榻病床或失去行动能力,那就另当别论。
Let's learn knowledge about investments and invest when we are still working. It may take few years for us to see results. Time is our friend. There are many types of investments, and many type investing skills in stocks alone. 让我们都学习投资并在趁有工作能力时开始投资。可能要等上好几年才会看到成绩。但时间是我们的伙伴。市面上有许许多多的投资工具。单就股票而言就有许多种投资方式。
Go and try the skills that looks interesting to you. For we learn the most when we fail. Some of my client like more of trading, while some go for fundamental. And they are comfortable with it. 尽量去尝试看起来有意思的方式。因为我们失败是成功之母啊。我们顾客群当中,有些喜欢偏向交易性质,有些偏向基本面投资方式。但他们都感到自在。
As we invest long enough, we will cherish our capital more and more. Anyhow, we do not want to over-expose our capital to excessive loss. And by the time come retirement, hopefully we all have the admirable knowledge and temperament to invest successfully. 当我们投资得越久,我们应该会愈发珍惜我们的资本。无论如何,我们总不愿把资本陷在不必要的风险里头。希望到那一天,我们永远令人羡慕的投资知识和性情。而我们的投资也是成功的。

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