Wednesday, April 11, 2018

131 Biblical-based Investing

Biblical-based Investing


While looking for some ETFs that invest in environment-friendly companies, I happened to know a few ETFs that invest based on Biblical values / requirements. It seems this faith-based investing is categorized in a broader socially responsible investing (SRI). 当我在搜索投资于环保公司的股市交易基金时,让我发现几个符合圣经投资法的股市交易基金。这些所谓的以信仰为本的投资法被包括在社会责任投资法领域。
Socially responsible investing is very popular in the western world, where investors who are conscious of his money to be invested in a way that benefits the environment and social. Companies that involved in tobacco, gambling, pornography or non-environmentally friendly would not fit the bill. 社会责任投资法在西方非常流行。投资者很介意他们的钱是投资在有益于环境和社会的公司。若是公司涉及烟草、赌博、色情或者破坏环境,这些公司就不符合他们的需求。
As I search, there is no such funds or ETFs in the Asia region. In terms or mutual funds, there are Ave Maria, Thrivent, GuideStone, LKCM Aquinas, New Covenant, and Steward. Unfortunately, there are only available in US. In terms of ETFs, there are Inspire, James Bible and GlobalX. These ETFs, since traded in NYSE, can be bought through local stockbroking houses that allow oversea market trading. 在亚洲,目前似乎并无此类的信托基金或者股市交易基金。在信托基金方面,市场有Ave Maria, Thrivent, GuideStone, LKCM Aquinas, New Covenant, and Steward。遗憾的是,它们只在美国出售。在股市交易基金方面,市场有Inspire, James Bible and GlobalX。此类股市交易基金,既是在纽约交易所上市,我们就可通过本地股票行开通国外交易平台进行买卖。
With this discovery, I think I can approached Christian clients whether they want to divert some capitals into such Biblical ETFs. It makes sense to me that Christian should not invest in companies that support sinful activities or business. 即由此发现,我想我可以询问基督徒顾客是否有意转移某些资金投资于此类符合圣经的股市交易基金。对我而言,基督徒不投资于那些牵涉罪恶行业的公司,是合情合理的。
Besides complying to Biblical requirements, some ETF providers may also allocate some of their profit towards charity or missionary. 除了投资选股方面符合圣经要求之外,这些股市交易基金的公司也可能会拨出某个部分的盈利来支持慈善或宣教事业。
On a separate note, although it is a good thing to know of such ETFs, we cannot ignore another basic cause of lay-investors investment failure. This basic failure is their untimely in and out of market activities. Take the recent possible Sino-US trade war scare as example. The market turned volatile. Many investors could have sold their stocks in the recent lows. Why wasn't it a buy at low? In times like this, we should remember Warren Buffett's words that market fluctuation is our friend while our personal fear is our arch-enemy. 能够找到符合圣经的基金固然是喜事一件,我们也不应忽视一般投资者投资失利的基本原因。这基本原因就是投资者总是在不当的时间点杀进杀出市场。就以今日中美恐爆发贸易战举例,股市因而波动剧烈。许多投资者或许在这几日的低点就出售手上的股票或基金。为何不是趁低进货呢?此时就该想想巴菲特说的--市场波动是我们的朋友,自身恐惧确实我们的大敌。
What follows should be to learn more about Biblical investing or wealth planning. The constraint is limited on-hand resources. Seems like I just have to learn as I go on. 接下来我要做的,应是继续了解符合圣经的投资法或理财法的整个做法。只是手上的资料有限,看来只有边学边行了。

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