Monday, October 16, 2023

174 DIY Repair Incoming Water Pipe Leaking 自己修理自来水管漏水

174 DIY Repair Incoming Water Pipe Leaking 自己修理自来水管漏水

I noticed my latest two months' water bill is few ringgit higher than usual. Was it because we had been washing too many bedsheets or towels? How curious.

I also noticed the cement surface near the water meter is a bit wet. I thought it was the water from watering the plants.

On Wednesday, perhaps, why is the cement surface wet when I did not water the plants. Take a look carefully, eee, the soil below water meter is wet wet wet. After a slight digging and it becomes a small pond.

The pipes exposed on top of surface do not has any signs of leakage, it must be underground leak.

So I made a complaint to SAJ, hopefully SAJ will send their expert to check ASAP. However, after two days of waiting, nothing happen. No feedback too.

So I called the hotline to follow up. It won't be fun if the leak becomes bigger and bigger.

Call get through, I mentioned my report#, the lady over the other end said their expert had come to check, and it is the part after the meter that leaked. Meaning the owner need to get a plumber to fix it.

That is terrible as I know no plumber. Maybe I should ask my neighbours.

Why don't you DIY? No plumber would come to repair such small job. Even if they come, wouldn't you feel painful if they are going to charge RM200? You see, you see, I already modified my one. Looked at his one, modified too. (Hey, why all the faulty part are after the meter? Like magic.)

My neighbour said why don't you dig the soil and see the pipe. If it is too serious, then he can help to repair.

Well, alright then.

And voila.

My neighbour said, oh that is easy. Just dismantle the plastic and replace with a new one. I can lend you the spanner if you need it.

Time was about 7pm. Better do it tomorrow. Just shut tight the valve, lest it continue to leak or burst.

The nest morning, I took the tools I have and, gulped, try to dismantle the thing. Then I went to hardware shop to buy a new one.

Then I tried to fix the thing. Too afraid it will leak if too loose, also afraid it will crack if too tight.

Try to loosen the valve, and heng ah, no leak. Means I made it lah. Maybe I should monitor few more days before putting the soil back.

Hopefully all went well. The cost RM2.30. Time taken was about 1 hour.

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希望一切顺利。那粒塑胶花费 RM2.30。时间大概一个小时。

Friday, October 13, 2023

173 Intercostal muscle pain after pull ups 引体向上导致肋间肌受伤

173 Intercostal muscle pain after pull ups 引体向上导致肋间肌受伤

I bought a new toy —— two 3kg ankle weight. 

Then I used them to do side to side pull ups. And guess what I got rib pain when I did left side pull ups, while right side was perfectly all right.

I think it was on the third day, maybe, my rib was painful when I lie down or when I do deep chest breath. I thought chest muscle must have been stretched. On the fourth day, maybe, I can feel pain even when doing standing chest breathing or sneezing.

Then I tried to feel where is the pain, I realised it was the muscle between one of the rib with rib above and below it. Painful when I press it, deep breathing, getting up, turning my body, or when I raised my arm that pulled the relevant muscle. But then pain is minimal if I lean forward to do deep breath or sneeze.

Then I google for “rib pain after pull ups”. I realised it was intercostal muscle pain caused by pull ups. Nothing can be done except try not to further aggravate the injury, apply some ointment before sleep, and let the muscle to recover.

Dragon boat players were said to easily prone to such injury especially during the intensive training before a competition.

It is very inconvenient because a lot of things cannot do. Try not to stretch the intercostal muscle. Many actions that involved pulling cannot be performed because of pain.

Today is perhaps the tenth days? I think I feel slightly better this morning. The pain when doing standing deep breathing seems like reduce by a lot. Hopefully the recovery has started.

The last time I stretched my wrist, now I stretched my intercostal muscle. I must not get injured again.

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最近买了新玩具——各3公斤的脚踝负重带。然后就带着它们做 side to side 引体向上。谁知第二天再做左边引体向上时,肋骨尽然会痛,右边没事。



过后上网搜“rib pain after pull ups”,发觉原来是引体向上导致肋间肌受伤了。什么也不能做,只能尽量不去扯到胸部的肌肉,临睡前涂跌打药酒,以便肋间肌可以慢慢修复。





Thursday, September 21, 2023

172 exercises to be done 原来共有4种必做的运动

172 exercises to be done 原来共有4种必做的运动

My father is 80+ year old. He demand himself to walk for 1-2 hours in palm oil plantation. He, like many old age, is afraid of sarcopenia. He realised it is a bit tiring to walk for 1-2 hours, but his leg feel even more uncomfortable if he doesn't walk.

Whenever I go to coffee shop, park or shopping complex, I like to look at people's calf (especially the old age). I can see many people have insufficient calf muscle. In the park where I live, there are a few people who are so discipline to walk. I feel pity for them because they are so hardwalking but their calf are still so small. One of them even fully cover her body with long pant, long sleeve, wearing hat and scarf to walk.

I used to think exercise is walking 10,000 steps. Or maybe running or jogging. Doctors interviewed in tv program or internet also suggest old age to walk to maintain or build their muscle.

As I am passed my 50s, maintaining a healthy body seems like a wise thing to do. So, have been reading some books to understand sarcopenia and osteoporosis, then realised walking is not an effective method to build muscle. There are 4 types of exercise to be done.
Aerobic exercise
Resistance exercise
Stretching exercise
Balancing exercise

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  1. 肌力运动
  2. 有氧运动
  3. 拉伸运动
  4. 平衡运动


  • 【强肌力教主彭淑美教你练核心肌群】彭淑美著
    • 有氧跑步多半是呈垂直身体姿势(高水平)向前移动下肢为主得活动。另外还需要刻意运用阻抗,去锻炼到比较深层得大肌群如腰腹核心肌群与背、胸、臀等部位得肌群,有了肌肉才能加快新陈代谢……。而且肌肉承重时,会刺激骨质生成,减缓中年以上的骨质流失,预防骨质疏松症。
    • 可训练到快縮肌纤维(白肌):快速收缩,包含了低浓度的有氧酶、高浓度的无氧酶,较易疲劳但具高度醣酵解(醣的分解代谢)能力,适合肌动力、爆发力训练。
    • 为了发展身体的圆满功能、得到均衡的体能,所以慢速收缩及快速收缩两种肌肉功能的训练缺一不可。
  • 【越走越年轻】三浦雄一郎著
    • 收缩快的快縮肌(白肌),肌肉纤维粗硬。能够发挥极强大的力量,因此会在短跑或举重等需要瞬间爆发力的运动时产生作用。
    • 下山时身体要承载体重加行李总重量的三到四倍,人必须使出强大的力气才能在动作需要停止时顺利停住,使身体保持稳定,因此会优先使用能够瞬间使出强大爆发力的快縮肌。
    • 即使下山时借着登山杖帮助身体支撑,并且运用下半身的肌力,但不断反复伸展收缩的快縮肌亦会渐渐遭到破坏。下山的距离越长,肌肉纤维越容易损伤。下山后肌肉痠痛的原因就出于此,受伤的快縮肌在两到三天内会修复,而且会变得比之前更强壮粗大。
    • 快縮肌的能量来源为醣分,借由反复下山的运动增加快速肌的量,能促进醣分代谢,达到有效改善糖尿病的效果。
    • 原本损伤的半月板居然再生了!…………为什么半月板会再生呢?根据豪太的假设,膝盖内没有血管,而是关节液。关节液拥有保护膝盖关节内部的作用,同时也会帮助修补损伤的膝盖。因为背着沉重的背包,又戴脚踝负重带,使得膝盖关节被往上推挤,又向下伸展,活动变得激烈,关节液为了润滑关节内部,所以令半月板再生。
  • 【Dr史考特的一分钟健瘦身教室】史考特医师著
    • 1997年美国科罗拉多大学发现,低强度运动能燃烧更多脂肪没错,但运动过后3小时内,代谢率就会恢复到运动前的水准;但高强度组即使停止运动后,代谢率依然维持在高点。高强度组在休息3小时的过程中,额外燃烧了41大卡。相对起来,低强度组只额外燃烧了22大卡。
    • 从受试者身上采下的肌肉解剖样本显示,高强度训练能诱导肌肉形态发生变化,在平时更倾向于燃烧脂肪,或许这也能解释为什么高强度训练消耗热量少,减脂能力却优于低强度运动。
    • 日本学者发表的结果更认为,高强度的运动更能增强肌力、有氧能力,甚至改善引发心血管疾病的危险因子。
    • 光看体重数字,你可能认为有氧运动最有利于减重;但就脂肪量的变化与肌肉量的增加而言,重训+有氧其实才是改变体态最好的选择。在心肺能力上,重训+有氧组进步幅度也高于纯有氧组和纯重训组。
  • 肌力运动先做,因为身体会先使用肝醣作为燃料,因为分解得快。而肌力运动必须使用力量(重量),所以为保安全起见,先做肌力运动确保能得到及时得能量。
  • 例子


  • 【强肌力教主彭淑美教你练核心肌群】彭淑美著
    • 是一种可促进全身血液循环耗能型的运动,所以如果要抗老,你一定要做有氧运动,灌氧给全身上下所以细胞,并且进行新陈代谢。
    • 可强化身体四大主要机能——心脏机能、呼吸系统、血管血液循环系统以及骨骼系统。
    • 可训练到慢縮肌纤维(红肌):慢速收缩,具高度氧化能力,并且抗疲劳,适合耐力性运动。
    • 为了发展身体的圆满功能、得到均衡的体能,所以慢速收缩及快速收缩两种肌肉功能的训练缺一不可。
  • 【越走越年轻】三浦雄一郎著
    • 上山和下山使用的是不一样的肌肉。首先,上山使用的是收缩慢、纤维细且柔软性佳、、能量效率大,又被称为红肌的慢縮肌。这种肌肉适合马拉松或长泳等需要吸进充分氧气、长时间运用肌肉的运动,也就是有氧运动。
    • 慢縮肌主要的能量来源为脂肪,藉由有氧运动有效率地吸取氧气,利用醣分燃烧脂肪,转化为能量。稳定呼吸节奏就能有效吸取氧气,爬的越久、脂肪燃烧越多,登山家、马拉松跑者或游泳选手身材都很精瘦也是这个缘故。
    • 戴脚踝负重带的负重健走也也属于有氧运动之一,脂肪的燃烧效率很高。
  • 【Dr史考特的一分钟健瘦身教室】史考特医师著
    • 1997年美国科罗拉多大学发现,低强度运动能燃烧更多脂肪没错,但运动过后3小时内,代谢率就会恢复到运动前的水准;但高强度组即使停止运动后,代谢率依然维持在高点。高强度组在休息3小时的过程中,额外燃烧了41大卡。相对起来,低强度组只额外燃烧了22大卡。
    • 从受试者身上采下的肌肉解剖样本显示,高强度训练能诱导肌肉形态发生变化,在平时更倾向于燃烧脂肪,或许这也能解释为什么高强度训练消耗热量少,减脂能力却优于低强度运动。
    • 日本学者发表的结果更认为,高强度的运动更能增强肌力、有氧能力,甚至改善引发心血管疾病的危险因子。
    • 光看体重数字,你可能认为有氧运动最有利于减重;但就脂肪量的变化与肌肉量的增加而言,重训+有氧其实才是改变体态最好的选择。在心肺能力上,重训+有氧组进步幅度也高于纯有氧组和纯重训组。
  • 有氧运动可以单独做、或做完肌力训练才做。目的是把更多肝醣燃烧掉,然后继而燃烧脂肪。燃烧脂肪需要很多氧气、也较花时间。
  • 千万别做得上气不接下气,喘得说不出话来,以免把有氧运动变成无氧运动。心率保持在130次/分钟。
  • 例子


  • 拉伸全身的筋膜避免身体僵硬、扭伤。中医有一说:筋长一寸、寿延十年。
  • 做完运动时,前后左右的肌肉可能承受不一样的屈伸,拉伸可把紧绷的肌肉放松开来。
  • 最典型的例子:瑜伽。


  • 【强肌力教主彭淑美教你练核心肌群】彭淑美著
    • 维持身体平衡需要许多系统交互作用,包括视觉系统、前庭系统、体感觉系统、肌力、关节柔软度与体态,……。
    • 任何身体活动都需要高度的手脚并用,有良好的协调平衡能力,才能充分运用到全身的肌肉来稳定身体,或分担肌肉负荷,减少单一肌群的持续用力。否则,一旦受到突然的外力,可能会跌倒造成伤害。
  • 如金鸡独立。

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

171 Mr Lee's typical day in retirement 李先生退休生活的一天日程

171 李先生退休生活的一天日程























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Friday, August 4, 2023

170 Monthly stock market and funds watchlist returns 每月股市、所追踪基金的回酬

 170 Monthly stock market and funds under watchlist returns 每月股市、所追踪基金的回酬

1) Stock market under watchlist

(Only selected stock market are monitored.)

For month ending Jul 2023, the best market was Vietnam, followed by Hang Seng China Enterprise, and Russell 2000.

For YTD return, best market is NASDAQ, NIKKEI 225 and VNI.

2) Funds under watchlist

(Selected funds means funds that I am interested to track. Funds are grouped according to their target investment country. Purpose is just to see when a stock market performed, can my selected funds catch up. If there is a mismatch in between the two, it either means I chose the wrong funds or funds being actively managed may performed differently from index stocks.)

For month ending Jul 2023, the best funds are Singapore, followed by Japan Large Cap and KLCI SmallCap funds.

For YTD, best funds are from US Large Cap, Japan Large Cap and Global funds.

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1) 观察名单下的股市




2) 观察名单下的基金




Tuesday, August 1, 2023

169 A fund I am not familiar with - Phillip SELECT Balance Fund 我所不熟悉的基金 Phillip SELECT Balance Fund

169 A fund I am not familiar with - Phillip SELECT Balance Fund 我所不熟悉的基金 Phillip SELECT Balance Fund

Yesterday, I was asked to give some advice to a walk-in client. It was a family of three persons - mother and her two daughters.

It was a fund that I am not familiar with - Phillip SELECT Balance Fund. This fund was taken over from another fund house.

During the conversation, one of the daughter mentioned the fund was left by their late father. Before this, they were liaising with the original fund house for the transfer of ownership. Then suddenly was informed it was taken over by Phillip.

The mother remembered they invested because the bank keep asking them to invest, 20 years ago. And  she remember the fund price, at one time, drop to very low. She thought the money is like gone.

I told her I am not familiar with that fund, but the latest value is twice their invested value. The return may be low, but not to the extent of "gone with the wind".

Today I am very curious how low the fund price was that made them think the money is gone.

So, I use Morningstar Malaysia to check.

Below is the chart. Yah, over the last 20 years, the return is 120%. So yah, it match what clients said lah.

But how come the clients has impression the fund price once dropped like almost gone? Below is the chart by looking at the historical fund price.

Aha, we can see the fund price, after peaked at before 2015, keep on going down. How come? If the price keep going down, how the return can maintained for the past few years.

The little red circles with D at the below of the chart indicate the historical distribution (dividend). As I check, the distribution (dividend) was consistently 3-4 sen.

So the adjusted fund price after distribution (dividend) made clients has impression fund is going down the drain lah.

Anyway, clients need to furnish some documents to completed the transfer of ownership before deciding to redeem or keep invested.

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那是 Phillip SELECT Balance Fund,一个我不熟悉的基金。这个基金是另一个公司接管的。

交谈中从其中一个女儿口中晓得该基金是他们过世的父亲留下的。在这之前呢,他们跟原本的基金公司处理到一半时,收到信说基金被 Phillip 接管了。




所以用 Morningstar Malaysia 查查看。

看下图。过去的20年,基金成长了 120%。吖,差不多就是顾客说的回酬啦。






Friday, June 23, 2023

168 Japan Economy - Notes taken from youtube 日本经济

 168 Japan Economy - Notes taken from youtube 日本经济

《日本主題系列》|第129集|日圓貶創造三贏 日企回流潮帶動經濟全面復興?! 美軍艦將在三菱.川崎維修 深化美日軍事同盟!【元大投顧財金頻道-(


  1. 为了避免中国大陆他的势力慢慢往右拓展,因此美国就结盟了日本。在日本维修船舰等等。
  2. 日本经济已经在崛起了。日本政局稳定,因为都是自民党。内阁的支持度,安倍晋三、菅义伟、岸田文雄,依旧偏领先。有了支持度,凡是都好做,任何的政策都好推。
  3. 安倍三箭让货币政策极度宽松。当市场上钱多得不得了,日圆就会走贬。
  4. 日圆贬,许多人到日本去观光旅游。观光财被带动起来。
  5. 第二个,日圆贬,日本制造的东西在日本境内做,卖到了海外就变便宜。因此出口也带动起来。
  6. 第三个,日本企业因为东西卖到了海外,赚了很多的美元。日圆走贬,汇回日本,就有汇兑收益。日圆贬50%,企业的获利净赚,即海外投资所得收益余额就增加了50%。
  7. 日圆不可能永远贬、一直贬。偶尔日圆会转升,日本企业会不会就不赚钱了?不会。因为当日圆走贬,日本企业体质整个大改善了,赚钱了,就可以拉高自身的良率,就有更多的创新。产品做得就更有竞争力。所以当就算日圆走升,日本企业的获利,稳在高档。就算日后日圆由贬约略转升了,日本企业海外赚的这些的获利依旧能够保持高度成长。
  8. 第四个,因为慢慢通膨起来了,如果通膨能够稳在2%,而且日本企业都在加薪,员工加薪,消费力道更强,GDP自然就起来了。
  9. 四大综效,让日本经济摆脱了过去30年的通缩窘境,扭转成了通膨温和成长的日本经济崛起。

《日本主題系列》|第133集|日本走出失落30年!日圓貶值.創造通膨.製造業復興 讓日本經濟再次崛起【元大投顧財金頻道-理財最錢線】【主持(


  1. 明明日圆走贬了,对日本经济有帮助,结果根据资料统计,日本散户投资人,他们是把钱汇出去买美国商品。连日本人都不相信日本的股市会涨起来、日本的经济会好。
  2. 日本的经济起落,得十年这个关键数字。
  3. 1960年到1980年,长达20年的时间,日本汇率是走贬的。日本经济全球第一。全世界很多东西都是日本制造。日本经济强得不得了,但强到美国人眼红了。
  4. 所以1980年到1990年,美国开始打压日本,透过了广场协议、半导体协议,结果打得日本苦哈哈。本来走贬得日圆变成在1990年之后呈现了走升的日圆。还升破了1美元兑换100以下的日圆。造成了日本经济陷入通缩的30年。
  5. 2012年,安倍当选上自民党的总裁,尔后担任首相,种下了日本经济崛起的重要的种子。
  6. 因为宽松的货币政策,安倍的三支箭让2022年的日圆,贬破120块的大关卡,然后120、130、140、150。
  7. 日圆贬到33年来的新低,日本股市涨到了30000点重要大关卡,日本股市冲上33年新高。
  8. 现在的日本经济,即将要结束通缩,再次伟大、再次崛起,出现J曲线效应。
  9. 日圆呈现了走贬,大家觉得货币贬值了、购买力变弱了,连日本人都害怕。反而日本以外的人去买日本的相关商品。股神巴菲特布局日本的五大商社眼光之独到。
  10. 日本股市从来没涨过、日本经济从来没崛起过。但J曲线后半段才是精彩的。
  11. 日本结束通缩,日本经济再次崛起机率,机率是大的。

《日本主題系列》|第134集|日股創33年新高.股淨比卻長期委屈 十年一遇行情如何把握?日央為何難改變寬鬆政策?【元大投顧財金頻道-理財最(


  1. 任何东西都不是比单一数字的绝对值。
  2. 日本股市,从8000多点,涨到了约33000点,涨了3倍之多。何谓多?
  3. 如果看股净比,净值不断地在做增加。或者是看本益比,日本企业的获利能力EPS不断地在做增加。股价涨的速度、力道、幅度,却跟不上EPS跟净值。意味有更大的实力跟底气继续涨。现在的本益比跟股净比,还处在低档的理由所在。
  4. 日本经济才刚刚正在崛起,只因为架构在日圆的走贬。日圆一贬,日本制造,同样的日圆换算成美元,现在可是打折了。所以有利于他的出口。
  5. 日本股市的走强到底靠谁来带动?安倍当上自民党的总裁是2012年,到了去年2022年,日本股市还在涨。因为极度宽松,安倍的三支箭推升了、造就了日本的制造业不断地投资、赚钱。
  6. 日本制造业指数与东证指数,原本亦步亦趋,慢慢的在2012年之后,拉大他的幅度。换句话说,在日圆贬值趋势之下,主要的受惠者是外销为导向。日本制造,产品有国际竞争力,因为是品质保证。
  7. 以上的成绩是来自于日本极度宽松、日圆的走贬,日本央行植田和男不太可能随意扭转宽松。因为日本股市ETF最大买家为日本央行跟退休基金。如果现在收紧货币政策的话,股市没了资金,会跌。受害最重的是日本央行跟退休基金。
  8. 日债,日本政府公债持有人为日本央行、保险业者、银行业者等等。如果真的升息了,债殖利率会往上、债的价格就会往下掉,银行、还有包括保险业者持有这么多的债,价格一走跌,要提列损失,植田和男不会这么做。
  9. 短时间来看,或者是一段大概有一年多的时间,依旧会保持宽松、日圆走贬,让通膨稳在2%以上。植田和男不是要控制通膨。反而要让通膨再次复见,让货币政策维持宽松。在通膨以及日圆走贬之下,让经济正式崛起跟扭转。

Monday, June 12, 2023

167 Endowment Plan of a friend (cont.) 朋友的储蓄保单(续)

 167 Endowment Plan of a friend (cont.) 朋友的储蓄保单(续)

 My last post talked about my friend's endowment policy, where I asked him to find out how many they waited before maturity value paid out.

He managed to find the policy, snap shot a few pages to me. I calculated the rate of return, replied him, but he is a bit sad.

So the premium paying period for the endowment policy is 20 years. At the end of 20 years, there will be a maturity value. In the first 20 years, annual premium was RM1332, maturity value is RM34019。

Internal rate of return is 2.27%, as shown below.

Reverse calculate to check whether 2.27% counted by spreadsheet is correct or wrong. (Exact interest rate should be 2.2717%)

My friend is sad because the internal rate of return is even lower than FD rate. Past 25 years FD rate in Malaysia are as below. (Individual banks may have launched better rates, but I don't have any data.)

If the premium had been put in FD, how much will the difference be? (Individual banks may have launched better rates, but since I don't have any data, I rely on data in above table.)

It turns out the difference is a meagre RM1500!

On hindsight, my friend thinks he might as well put the money in bond fund to make more money. He said if bond funds can returned 5.5% per annum, it will be RM49012 after 20 years. Then it will be a difference of RM15000. 

Well, what can we derived?

  1. Insurance or savings or investment are different products. If that product is deemed to be suitable for buyer during buying time, it is the the best product. No point regretting later.
  2. Since insurance or savings or investment are different products, they should be complementing each other, not competing. If something bad happened, insurance came to rescue. When nothing happened, investment plays its role.
  3. When the investment horizon can be as long as 20, 30 years, too small an investment amount won't create jaw dropping total sum. In the early stage, the investment amount can be small, but as salary increase, so must the investment value. Just think of our EPF, who didn't start with twenty thirty fifty bucks, then proceed to a hundred, two hundred, three hundred and so on until it become a huge amount because of compounding interest.
  4. When the investment horizon can be as long as 20, 30 years, investing in a too conservative tool is a waste of time. At the very least, one can create a portfolio of high and low risk products, to increase the rate of return. We can see the difference of 3% and 5.5% from the above discussion.

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  1. 保险、储蓄、投资是不同的产品。在那个时候某个产品适合买者的需要,那个产品就是当下最适合的产品。事后不要再懊悔了。
  2. 保险、储蓄、投资既然是不同的产品。应该成为互补,而非有我没他。万一发生什么事时,保险发挥功能。而如果没事发生,投资发挥功能。
  3. 当投资年限可以跨度20、30年,太小的投资金额就创造不出称羡的总额。因此,初期金额可以小,但随着薪水的增加,宜适度增加投资金额以期创造更大的总数。就想我们的公积金啊,谁不是刚开始时几十块钱几十块钱,然后慢慢变一百、两百、三百,又利滚利的越来越多。
  4. 当投资年限可以跨度20、30年,仅投资太过保守的投资标的,太可惜了。至少至少也应该有一个高低风险搭配的组合,适度提高投资报酬率。以上可以看到3%跟5.5%的差别。

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

166 Endowment Plan of a friend 朋友的储蓄保单

 166 Endowment Plan of a friend 朋友的储蓄保单

Last week, my friend said his son's endowment plan (bought by his wife) is going to mature, and they are going to get a sum of money. So, he is curious about the interest (rate of return).

The payment period period for that endowment plan is 12 years, each payment was RM1,585. The maturity value is RM34,019.

And I asked him, after paying for 12 years, how many years did they waited till maturity? He is not sure, he thought they can get the maturity value on the 13th year. I am a bit skeptical, so I asked him to check with his wife again. Till now, he has not reply to me.

OK, we can do some simulation to see the rate of return using different maturity period. I use a spreadsheet, key in 12 lines of -1585 (payment, duit keluar) plus a line of 34019 (receiving, duit masuk). The maturity value (34019), I placed in different different years. Then I use IRR function to calculate the internal rate of return. As below.

We can see the IRR is between 3.34%~8.67.

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那好,我们可以做几个推算,依不同的到期年来看看回酬率多寡。我用 spreadsheet ,输入 12 行的 -1585 (还款,钱飞出去)再加一行的 34019 (收到钱,钱飞进来)。到期日的数目 (34019),我把它放在不同的年份借此试算出内部回酬率 (internal rate of return)。看下图。


Thursday, June 1, 2023

165 China funds: Lump Sum vs Regular Savings 中国基金之单笔投资PK定期定额投资

165 China funds: Lump Sum vs Regular Savings 中国基金之单笔投资PK定期定额投资

With regards to China funds, the past three years was indeed quite a torture. Ever since China funds hit their peaks in early 2021, it has been on downtrend for more than 2 years. From their peaks, the current level are 40-50% lower.

It was widely expected with the opening up of China, there would be a bull in China stock market. However, recent released data showed China's economy recovery seems very weak. Analysts interviewed by radios expects we won't see China bull market this year.

When it comes to investing, it is either doing lump sum investment or regular savings. I was wondering what would the situation be like, of the two, in this type of long term downtrend. So, I go to , to use the Portfolio Simulator and RSP Calculator to do some simulation. (I simply use this site because readers can always double check my results.)

I chose 6 China funds for this simulation. And the result is as below.

The result suggest no big difference.

OK, I said China funds hit peak two years ago. What would the situation be if we do lump sum investment and regular savings from then. Let's see.

Ha, now we can the difference is quite big. Lump sum investment loss way more than regular savings. In downtrend, lump sum investors has big pressure.

Of course, in uptrend, lump sum investment will reap higher profit. Below is the performance of US fund and technology fund.

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那,一般投资基金要不单笔、要不定期定额投资。好奇在这种长期跌势的基金,这两者会有怎样的。因此上 ,用网站的 Portfolio Simulator 和 RSP Calculator 来试算。(用这个网站是因为读者可以进行检查。)






Thursday, January 19, 2023

164 Court ruled illegitimate child entitled to portion of deceased father's estate 联邦法院裁决私生子女有权共享父亲遗产

164 Court ruled illegitimate child entitled to portion of deceased father's estate 联邦法院裁决私生子女有权共享父亲遗产

This is a ruling that affects illegitimate child of a non Muslim father that died without a Will.

Court: Illegitimate child entitled to portion of deceased father's estate (

Mahkamah Persekutuan: Anak luar nikah bukan Islam berhak warisi pusaka mendiang bapa (

In this ruling, Federal Court ruled the word "issue" should cover a child regardless of whether he / she is a legitimate or illegitimate child.

This is different from what I have been trained. I remember illegitimate child can only claim from his / her mother, but not father. But just now when I googled again, it seems like there is another additional requirement, and that is the mother does not has other legitimate child.

On this point, I think I want to pose few questions to Trustee during the next training.

  1. How will the ruling affects the past and future cases of without Will?
  2. Will the ruling affect cases with Will? Let's say a testator has legitimate and illegitimate children, and in his Will he just write "children" to inherit his estate.
  3. During such court case, does all estate being frozen until there is ruling? This is considering the case was brought up in 2015, about 7-8 years for the final ruling.

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Court: Illegitimate child entitled to portion of deceased father's estate (

Mahkamah Persekutuan: Anak luar nikah bukan Islam berhak warisi pusaka mendiang bapa (




  1. 如此的裁决会如何影响过往以及未来的無遗嘱案件?
  2. 如此的判决会影响有遗嘱的案件嗎?假设说立遗嘱者同时有着合法以及私生子女,而遗嘱只写“子女”可继承财产。
  3. 在这样的法庭案件仲,是否全部的财产都被冻结呢?毕竟本案是从2015年开始,也一直进行了7-8年才下最后判决。